New Equipment in own fleet!
30 New swap bodies with double loading system and TAPA1 compliant system were added to our fleet. Internal volume of one container is 100 m2 and can be placed on the same kinds of trucks, trailers and railroad wagons designed for shipping containers.
These containers have lighter weight of the body and increased cargo capacity, resulting in fuel savings during transportation. They are fitted with four up-folding legs under their frame, which make it possible to swap their body from one carriage to another, or to leave the swap body at a destination, without using extra equipment.
E-Lock on curtain sided semi-trailers
Electronic lock with an alarm system were installed into reinforced curtain side semi-trailers in order to protect and deliver cargo safely. This is one of several solutions we provide to ensure the safe transportation of cargo by curtainsider semi-trailers.
Side opening box semi-trailer
New kind of semi-trailers – side opening box – joined our fleet of standard tautliners and temperature controlled box semi-trailers. It is highly convenient for certain type cargo transportation. New semi-trailers are succesfully running on a dedicated fleet concept.